29 June 2013

Looking for direct access to Sinopec and any Chinese or South Korean Refinery

COMMODX Global Ltd is urgently looking for direct access to Sinopec and any Chinese or South Korean Refinery. We have light crude currently on route to Singapore and Condensate. We are direct to sellers of both the light crude and the condensate. The light crude is on route to Singapore and shall reach port within 8 days. Full POP will be exchanged bank-to-bank against POF. Light crude can be purchased on TTO. Currently 1.6m barrels available on spot basis - pricing based on Platts Dubai/Oman.

For further information email: info@commodxglobal.com / mobile: +447898854057.

Please Note: We do not work with broker chains - you must ensure you have direct access to the end user/end buyer.